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3 Online Dating Tips For The Summer

Single in summer can be a daunting period as an adult. It’s summer – so you want to be outside when you can. But it can also be 110+ degrees with heat index, and that makes one want to hug an air conditioner. It can also be gorgeous: sunrises, sunsets, sand in your toes. Then comes summer rain that can drop 9″ before 8am (I’m looking at you St. Louis).

Remember summer as a child? Riding bikes, late nights at the arcade, the concession stand at the pool? All good times. Then somewhere along the way we all grew up. We couldn’t be Toys R Us kids forever. It sucks, I know.

As we move through summer, I want to share a few dating tips that might help you out as you talk with someone new because that’s why you’re here, right?

Don’t feel obligated to do something outside. Meeting out for dinner and want to take advantage of the summer? Do so if it’s comfortable. But if you’re sweating through your jorts (yeah I own a few pairs) just sitting there and talking, you’ll be miserable for awhile after. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t be a patio hero. Just sit inside and enjoy the view.

Take advantage of the daylight though. If you can be outside when it makes sense, make the most of it. Live in a bigger city? Explore a new cafe or barcade or people watching area. Live in the suburbs? Find a nature trail to walk with a nice bench where you can both pop out your Game Boy Colors and nerd out for an hour or so.

Use sunscreen. I know I sound like a dad when I say this, but sunburn sucks on a whole ‘nother level. If you’re outside in the sun and you’ll be out for awhile, put on some sunscreen for the love of everything Right and Holy in this world. Don’t pay the physical price of pain and irritation because you are “too cool” to put on sunscreen. You know what’s sexy? Living to see another day without patchy red skin that makes you unbearably not yourself.

Have the best summer you can, and take advantage of the season. Fall will come soon enough.

And if you really want to get to crackin’, login and check out your matches. Someone may be waiting for you to reach out!