Category: Gaming News

  • WoW Singles: Have you Played Mists of Pandaria Yet?

    WoW Singles: Have you Played Mists of Pandaria Yet?

    Mists of Panderia hasn’t even been on store shelves (physical and electronic) for even 24 hours yet, but I know my WoW people: most of you likely either already have it, or will have Blizzard’s fourth World of Warcraft expansion pack by the time your weekend kicks off here in a few short days.  With […]

  • Looking for Android Gamer DNA

    Looking for Android Gamer DNA

    Raise your hand if you’ve got Pandora on one of your devices (this sounds like an AT&T commercial).  If you’re a fan of Pandora, the ultra-creative, personal music recommendation engine, you like games (that should be everyone here), and you’ve got an Android then you’ll definitely like what the Game Genome Project is bringing your […]