Gamer Dating Blog |

New Photo System Is Coming

Can’t stop, won’t stop – that’s our motto here at LFGdating as 2016 cranks into full gear with a record-smashing 2015 free and clear behind us.  While I’m proud of the fact that we knocked out a whopping 14+ major web development projects between May and December last year, I want to beat that output this year and thought what better way to start than with a biggie: a brand spanking new user photo system.  More details below!

Here at LFG we get an incredible amount of member feedback: gamers tell us what works, what could be better, and what new features they’d love to see.  The user photo system was one of those recurring themes in 2015 that we were itching to get to, but had to table just because other projects took priority.  But as you can obviously tell by this Pulitzer-esque blog post, this critical piece of our user experience is no longer tabled and is getting a much-needed, and long-overdue upgrade that comes powered by jQuery, AJAX, and believe it or not, Instagram and Facebook image-import APIs.  Yep, put on your freaking fancy pants, because it just got real around here!


Of course, much like the rest of LFGdating, our new user image system will be fully responsive, so it will naturally adapt and flex to the exact size and dimensions of whatever device your browsing on.  Oh, and we’re also tinkering with the idea of implementing captions, so you know, you can add a little context for other LFG users when they’re scoping out your pics.

We honestly could not think of a better way to kick off 2016, and know for a fact the LFGdating community is going to eat this new user experience up just like the recent favorites system and new search filters (browse by gaming console, anyone?).  With tons more enhancements and features next up in the queue, we can’t wait to launch this one to get started on the next!

Thanks for stopping by LFGdating!