Podcasts We Like: Gamer Girls Radio

Gamer Girls Radio is not your average podcast.  And no, I’m not referring to the fact that the hosts are actually hostesses.  GGR is a great podcast because it has balance; it’s not two people droning on and on about the same topic like every other show.  In the 30 or so odd minutes of tonight’s show that I tuned into, the conversation covered the business side of the gaming industry, a number of specific games, and even a pretty hilarious, yet sadly realistic discussion on the grim reality that is the cable industry.  I may or may not have heard a German lady swear; I may have imagined that one.  The ladies over at GGR connected with us on Twitter tonight, and we’re hooked on their awesome show; if you haven’t subscribed to GGR on iTunes, then you’re wrong.  Hit the linkage below for quick links to all of GGR goodness!

Podcasts We Like: Gamer Girls Radio

GGR on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gamer-girls-radio-blog-talk/id268337008

GGR on BlogTalkRadio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gamergirlsradio

GGR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gamer-Girls-Radio/57603640679

We’re looking forward to the next show!  Big thanks again to the ladies at GGR.

Image courtesy of 8tracks.


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