8 Reasons Why Every Girl Should Date a Gamer

Playing Video Games Together at LFG Dating

As we mentioned recently in our video gamer stereotypes debunked article, the name “gamer” is usually meant to describe males, however females make up a huge part of the gaming industry.  Have you heard of HawtyMcBloggy?  Although the website/blog may be a few years old and un-updated, it made an impressive run through the video game blog ranks a few years ago before the author and founder took a writing job assisting on the official Halo series of books.  While I’ve never read any of those books, and honestly never will, I would say that she has some journalistic credentials, let alone some major gamign ones.  One of her more popular articles is, “http://hawtymcbloggy.com/2009/05/18/eight-reasons-why-every-girl-should-date-a-gamer/“, and I would say it’s somewhat appropriate post material here at LFG :).

You know what’s also appropriate post material – our free registration page!  Sign up for LFG Dating for free today!


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