Category: Testing

  • Q3 Dev Update

    Q3 Dev Update

    Pushing code live still proves to be our favorite activity outside of helping gamers meet other gamers. Deployment means completion of planning, requirements gathering, prioritization, engineering, and testing. Now that we’re well through Q2, we want to share our updates with you. For those of us old enough, remember taking “computer” class in junior high? […]

  • Q2 Dev Update

    Q2 Dev Update

    Delivering new features and fixes every month, we’re hard at work (mostly) behind the curtain. And with many thanks to our members for their help along the way, we made significant process on some recent fixes. Our roadmap is roughly equal parts staff and member feedback balled together and hurled at a PI planning […]

  • How Much Coffee is Too Much Coffee?

    How Much Coffee is Too Much Coffee?

    Ridiculous question. Fresh pots! Also, this is me watching Pat troubleshoot code while I flip through Youtube vids.